
Showing posts from July, 2022


          As most of you know I do at least one blog story a day.  The most views I have ever gotten for a  story is fifty, and the least is five.  What really bothers me about blog writing is when people say they  do not have time to read it.  It takes me two or three hours to write each one, and only a minute or two  to read it.        Here is what I'm getting at, do people as a whole take time to read His Word, or are they to busy  with other things?  Do we take the time to read how Christ was cruelly killed on the cross, or is our  lives to busy for that?  What about reading about His resurrection, is that not why were here?  My  main concern is not whether we read or not, but whether we read the Bible.         For only in the Bible are we told how to live our lives.  It is in the Bible that we are told how  Christ lived and died.  It is only in...

Riding The Storm Out

 Based On A True Event         Back in the nineteen-eighties Ed Blankenship owned a Dodge Colt, which he had bought from his sister.  He used the car for basically going to work at Phillips where 90 percent of everyone in the area worked.  One night his daughters went to music practice, his wife was working at the local  nursing home, and he was getting off work at Phillips.  When all of a sudden out of nowhere a storm blew up.            Ed jumped in his car and took off towards home.  He had the windows down in his little brown colt when the rain started pelting down.  Even though it was ninety-five degrees outside, Ed rolled the  windows up to a crack to prevent getting the rain all over him.  The wind came in from the west,  however, and it was a hot wind.            Ed watched out his rearview mirror as a wall was ripped off of Phillips Petroleum Company...

Things Remain The Same

  This is a complete work of fiction. Any likeness' therein is a complete coincidence.                In those days things were much the same as they are today.  Politicians were full of themselves listening to people with money telling them how to vote.  The poor had little chance to get their voice heard.  That is until John Stormy ran for congress.               One of John Stormy's first acts was in getting a bill passed to reopen oil wells in America.  He wasn't sure it would get pass President Money (since he taxed gas prices in Louisiana as Governor).   But, he did get it passed in congress for it had the people with money pulling for it.  When it came to  President Money's desk his advisors told him to sign it with a $500 bill to sign it.               That is how thing's worked on the hill if you wanted to make sure a bill wa...

A Lonely Path

         As I think back it must have been in high school when I said I would never be married.  At that  time I was more concerned with church and spiritual matters than I am today.  Today I remain celibate due to financial matters. Being celibate is such a lonely road.          As I got older, I tried to get out of it a few times, but, it always ended up in tragedy.  It may be as God told the angels in the book of Enoch,   that He had not prepared for them a wife..  Even so,  because, I chose at a young age to remain true to Him he did not prepare a wife for me either.              When you make a promise to God to be true to Him and never to marry, He holds you to it. This is taken care of in I Corinthians 7:8 "So it is better for them to remain as I am."   So some will remain as I am unmarried.             So those ...

Burnt Cabin

                       Back when I was a teenager the youth group at Dewey church of Christ went to Burnt  Cabin one weekend.  I thought it sounded like fun, so I went along to tag along.  Fred (Dewey church  of Christ's Youth Minister) got Dad's permission before taking me (since I usually attended Nowata for  services).  Dad was not told I'd need money for the trip though, we just assumed the church would pay  for it all.                      On the way down we stopped at a convenient store.   The rest of the kids got out of the  van to get something, but I had no money, so I got nothing.  All the rest of the teens came back with  their treasures of food and sodas. I was hurt, embarrassed, and angry, so I yelled out calling them  "WhiteTrash".  Truth be known I was probably closer to being "White Trash"...


              In the beginning the universe was a mess (more so than it is today).  There was gasses and waters floating about everywhere.  Then God got tired of walking around with His celestial buds in this mess.  So, He clapped His hands creating light, and separating it from darkness.  Now that He  could see He spoke some celestial servants into existence which He called angels.              He then messed around with the waters on the earth.  He split them in two halves, half went  into the sky, and the other half went on to the land with water on it.  Dividing the waters was not that hard, and he did that on the second day.  You might say He was the first to go "splish splash" in the  water.             God then put dry land and vegetation on the land.  He said, "this will be good for food, and will reproduce itself."  This...

Fire Eyes

                                    As we open this story up, we find thirteen-year-old Travis Coleman. standing in the middle of his bedroom with sweat dropping off his face.  He had been asleep and dreaming of people (a lot of people) on fire.  He had had had this same dream many times, but they were only getting worse.  The dreams were starting to affect him physically.                                His parents sent him to a psychiatrist once they find out about it , and the  psychiatrist orders him some Trazadone so he can sleep better.  After two weeks instead of the  Trazadone making him sleep better it only makes matters worse.  Now, wherever Travis went  he would break into a sweat, then his eyes would both glow, and he would see people on fire.   Some said this...

A Broken Family

                                                                      At or about the age of twenty-seven, Charley's little sister, Candy left the church of like,  precious, faith, that they had been brought up in for the church of the Open Door.  This of course, hurt her mother, Sandy a lot for she felt the family circle had been broken.  Candy had done this with her  older sister's blessing.  Candy had not asked her brother Charley for fear she knew what he would have  told her.  Charley just kept his mouth shut, because he couldn't make her go to a church like she had  been raised in.                   Charley did not know much about the church of the Open Door.  All he knew is that they  accepted many different belief...

The Campout

           It was like any other day in Indiana when they left for the camp out.  The people were focusing  on is the McDaniel's who made up of:  Mike, Michell, Christopher, and Cameron.  To keep Christopher and Cameron from fighting on the way to the camp out they sang gospel songs.  The two boys were  after all normal boys, but that is not really what this story is about.           They were all excited about going to the camp out in Missouri.  Christopher was complaining  due to the fact that it was always hot at the camp out in Missouri.  They had set up their tent next to the Thorton family.  The Thorton family had a hot dish for a daughter that knocked both of the boys  socks off.  As I said earlier the boys were all natural boys.           They all went fishing together, as well as sleeping under the stars together which some how  seemed...

The Blizzard

            Once upon a time when I was young snow covered the city of Indianapolis.  So much snow in  fact that they had to shut down the city of Indianapolis.  Even the great pharmaceutical company was shut down, and they never shut it down.  So, us kids were out of school for a week.            Even though the street workers tried to plow the streets they could not, because the snow kept  coming down.  Then too, there was the body of the homeless people they had to watch for.  The police  had trouble doing their routes due to the ice and snow on the road.  As a result, some people got by  committing robberies and no one cared.               The basic concern was keeping people warm and alive.  The news kept telling people where to go to stay warm and stay alive.  The problem with this was getting this advice from the news mean...

The Peter Meijer Story

          It was in Peter's senior year at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) that  he met and married Cindy Lou Jesus.  Even though she was an anchor baby and did not speak English very well.  Peter was not bothered by this for he had taken Spanish through all of high school, making him bilingual.  Being bilingual he could carry on fluent conversations with her father, Pablo.  Peter  worked his way through college at the Louise Cafe (a widely known Republican Cafe).           Peter graduated from IUPUI with an I.T. degree, and a very pregnant wife.  There was financial  problems along the way, but Peter soon found a job in Paradise, Illinois.  He made five hundred  thousand dollars a year, making Spanish E-Bibles to be sent out of the country to poor speaking  Spanish countries where they were needed.  Peter did not care about the job too much, bu...


              Hypocrite in Matthew 15:7 comes from the Greek word hupokrites meaning an actor under an  assumed character (stage-player fig.) dissembler (hypocritical).  Now as for an actor/actress you have to pretend to be in character for your audience.  Then in real life your another person all together.              As children we often pretend, but as we grow older (unless we have a job that calls for it) we often forget to pretend.  I am not here to say anything is wrong with pretending, because it is only  wrong if we do something like pretend to be the opposite sex.  In II Samuel 21:13 it tells us that  David pretended to be insane, "So he changed his behavior before them, pretended madness in their  hands, and let his saliva fall down on his beard."            Luke 20:20 gives us an example of how pretending can be used for evil, "So they s...

A Bear Of A Scare

                     Rene' and Louise Lafoon lived in a small red house out in the country, outside of the town of Schnecksville, Pennsylvania.   Rene' had built a room, above his two boys' room for him and Lois to  sleep in.  In the entryway as you came into the house hang a big brass bell, which was rang for  emergencies and birthdays.                     Rene' was an archeologist and was always off to the mountains digging in the dirt.  Louise was therefore, left at home to write stories, and take care of the raising of two little boys.  She did this  pretty much on her own, or so it felt at times.  Even though the university which funded her husband  was only two miles away.   She also had neighbors about a block away on either side.                 Louise's youngest son was t...

Saint Patrick's Day

      Once upon a time there was a man by the name of John Blackbird who lived in Topeka, Kansas.  He lived in the Jackson Tower Apartments, where he was a member of the Sunshine Club (a club for the mentally  ill).  He also worked as a volunteer for Everybody Wins (A reading program for children), as  well as the Capper Foundation (a place for handicap children) in the swimming pool.  So you could  most definitely say John had an active life.     John was at the Sunshine Connection having Dinner one day when they were talking about being in  a  St. Patrick's Day parade.  Even though John did not really believe that Saint Patrick had gotten rid of all the snakes in Ireland (which he had been sainted for) he volunteered to be in the parade.  The parade  would take John right past the Assumption school where he worked at, and how he loved the wee ones. Then the parade would rap around and go up the street...

What Is Next In Seizures & Depression?

  Notice this is not written by a professional and for further knowledge on the VNS please seak professional help.  This is just a artical on the VNS by one who has one and has seeked medical help.                   In 1934 the idea to control seizures with an electrical current was made by a man named  Zelma Weis.  It wasn't until years later in 1985 that a device would be invented to do just that  by a man named Zabra J. Preferel.  The first human trial was not done until 1988.  The Food and Drug  Administration in the U.S. did not approve it until 1997.                    Like all drugs and devices put into humans, the Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) had its side  effects too.  The worst 1996 ten Sudden Unexplained Deaths (SUDE) have occurred.  The most  common side effects are; voice changes, hoarseness, throat pain, cough, headaches...

Special Olympics

                  I must have been about fourteen when due to the fact that I could not take physical education,  the class I was in was going to the Special Olympics.  I went due to the fact that I had epilepsy which  limited me from taking physical education classes like other boys.  I also took special classes, and the  Special Olympics made me happy if just for a little while.               I was put in track and field instead of swimming (which I had have rather done using the  Philips Swimming Pool in Bartlesville, Oklahoma).  My teacher, Mrs. Culpepper was against me  swimming though so I just did track and field.  Unlike others I did not just practice at the Bartlesville  Mid High, but, the street I lived on as well.                 When we did regionals at Tulsa, Oklahoma, I did the baton pass.  This ...

Life After Death

 Chapter One Appendix            As I recall it (back when I was a ten year old child with blond hair) it was like any other March day in Indiana.  A few clouds, but. hey that is weather in Indiana.  So, I went to school not expecting  what was about to happen.  It would have been about the third hour of school when I went to the front  of the class.  I did this to ask the teacher if I could be excused to go see the school nurse.  I explained to  him that my side hurt.          Due to the fact that I was bent over in pain (Mr. Simmons, the class room teacher ) gave me a hall pass to go see the nurse.  I explained that my side hurt, at which the nurse gave me a look over, took  my temperature, and then sent me home.  She told my mother (a short brunette haired 33 year old  woman) to take me to the hospital as she thought it was my appendix.  My loving mother took m...