A Lonely Path


       As I think back it must have been in high school when I said I would never be married.  At that 

time I was more concerned with church and spiritual matters than I am today.  Today I remain celibate

due to financial matters. Being celibate is such a lonely road.

         As I got older, I tried to get out of it a few times, but, it always ended up in tragedy.  It may be as

God told the angels in the book of Enoch,  that He had not prepared for them a wife..  Even so, 

because, I chose at a young age to remain true to Him he did not prepare a wife for me either.   

          When you make a promise to God to be true to Him and never to marry, He holds you to it.

This is taken care of in I Corinthians 7:8 "So it is better for them to remain as I am."   So some will

remain as I am unmarried.

            So those who do not burn are like I am and remain unmarried.  They are either that way due to

a vow they made when they were young, or they were born that way.  While it is true that I'll have no

heirs to carry on my name. I do have my writings.  While others will be recalled by their heirs, or some 

act of greatness they have done.

             As I look back on my life I have always stayed close to God.  To stay close to God you must 

walk with Him daily.  In my case I made a spiritual commitment to Him to have no one else in my life.

I took the lonely path to have no one else in my life.

Paul D. Eccles


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