Isaiah 44:20

 "A deceived heart has turned him aside; and cannot deliver his soul..."

Could we not just as easily say,  "A sinning heart has delivered his soul in the depths of hell."

The following is a list of sins which Billy Graham feels the Christian has a daily struggle with

in which I concur.

One is immortality which comes from the Greek word porneia, in which the word pornography

comes from.

Two is impurity which covers the natural lusts found in Romans 1:24.

Three would be sensuality which comes come the greek word for Wantonness or Debauchery.  This 

same word is also used in II Peter 2:7.

Along with this is Idolatry's, Sorceries, Enmities (  Enmities has to do with hatred), strife. jealousy,

outburst of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions or heresies, envying's, drunkenness, carousing's (the 

greek word for this is interpreted orgies),

From this list we may feel that there is none who are worthy to lead or speak from the pulpit.

Let us not forget, however that due to the glory of God we may do all manner of things!  For in

 Romans 3:23 we are told that "all have fallen short of the Glory of God.  Then again in I Peter 3:21

we are told "For this reason we have baptism which does now also save us."




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