Things Remain The Same


This is a complete work of fiction.

Any likeness' therein is a complete coincidence. 

              In those days things were much the same as they are today.  Politicians were full of themselves

listening to people with money telling them how to vote.  The poor had little chance to get their voice

heard.  That is until John Stormy ran for congress.

              One of John Stormy's first acts was in getting a bill passed to reopen oil wells in America.  He

wasn't sure it would get pass President Money (since he taxed gas prices in Louisiana as Governor).  

But, he did get it passed in congress for it had the people with money pulling for it.  When it came to 

President Money's desk his advisors told him to sign it with a $500 bill to sign it.

              That is how thing's worked on the hill if you wanted to make sure a bill was signed you would 

send it with money.  If you wanted to leave it to chance you did not send it with money.  Stormey was 

poor, but he usually had the bankers supporting his bills.  If he didn't all he had to do to come up with 

the money is sleep with the right person for the money, and with his good looks that was not hard to 

do either.

           Another law he put into effect was stricter gun control laws.  According to the new law you 

could not own a gun unless you were between the ages of twenty-one and sixty-five.  He figured 

before the age of twenty-one you didn't really have enough since to own one.  Over sixty-five you 

probably had to many mental and medical problems.  At sixty-five you also had to retire for most 

people, and in most states you could not have a driver's license. 

           He believed the best way out of an abortion is abstinence.  Though he did not put that into a 

bill, he believed it was just common sense.  He also believed there was ways to keep from having a

baby and still having sex.

           Congressman John Stormy ran for President on the Republican ticket.  Many people did not

know if would win due to his stance on abortion.  But due to his Bill on gas and other frivolous bills

he won the seat for the President of the United States of America.  His first official act was in making 

things the same way as they are today.

Paul D. Eccles    




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