A Broken Family
At or about the age of twenty-seven, Charley's little sister, Candy left the church of like,
precious, faith, that they had been brought up in for the church of the Open Door. This of course, hurt
her mother, Sandy a lot for she felt the family circle had been broken. Candy had done this with her
older sister's blessing. Candy had not asked her brother Charley for fear she knew what he would have
told her. Charley just kept his mouth shut, because he couldn't make her go to a church like she had
been raised in.
Charley did not know much about the church of the Open Door. All he knew is that they
accepted many different beliefs, and that they were Baptist. If that is what Candy wanted it would
break the family up, but he could not stop her. He, however, would remain in a church like he was
raised in. He felt the faith he was raised in would get him to heaven, but he did not know about
Many was the time that their Mother Sandy would question, would the family have broken
in the afterlife. Candy had left the church of their faith due to the fact that someone had corrected her
children due to their use of language. Candy's father said he hated it when one of his siblings corrected
us kids.
Truth be known Candy was just looking for a reason to leave the church. Correcting her
children were just giving her a reason to leave. Charley tried to seek out evangelical help for his sister
only to get told they had been escorted off of her property by the police. This of course hurt Charley
Their Mother Sandy then passed away, and all three of the children had to come home
putting their differences aside. They went to a church of like precious faith, like they had been raised
in. Once they all went back home the oldest daughter stopped going to church with their father, and
started playing church up in the mountains. Candy continued going to the church of the Open Door.
Charley continued going to church at a like precious faith. In the end the family had been spiritually
Paul D. Eccles
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