

            In the beginning the universe was a mess (more so than it is today).  There was gasses and

waters floating about everywhere.  Then God got tired of walking around with His celestial buds in

this mess.  So, He clapped His hands creating light, and separating it from darkness.  Now that He 

could see He spoke some celestial servants into existence which He called angels.

             He then messed around with the waters on the earth.  He split them in two halves, half went 

into the sky, and the other half went on to the land with water on it.  Dividing the waters was not that

hard, and he did that on the second day.  You might say He was the first to go "splish splash" in the 


            God then put dry land and vegetation on the land.  He said, "this will be good for food, and will

reproduce itself."  This he did on the third day.

             God then put the stars, moons, and planets, (basically creating the universe).  His purpose for 

this was to start time, and to give entertainment to later creatures.  All this He did on the fourth day.

             Then He thought why not put life in the waters.  So God clapped His hands again, and at the 

very thought of creatures moving in the waters it happened.  Fish, snakes, dinasours, and all types of 

sea creatures swam about.  This was all done on the fifth day.

               Lastly He thought about creating beasts upon the land.  Even though these creatures humored

God they all were created without choice to worship Him.  They were like the angels they worshiped 

Him without thought.

                 So, He then created a creature that looked most like Him.  For this creation He gave the

gift of choice.  He called this new creature man, and told him to take care of the garden, and name all 

the animals.  This is a thing we still do to this day.

                    Yet man was lonely so God created him a helper which he called a woman.  Then God was 

tired for God had worked six days straight, and was depleted of His energy.  So, on the seventh day He

told them He needed to rest.  Do we take a day of rest today?

Paul D Eccles 



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