Thunder Goes On Vacation

               One morning Thunder wakes up, and tells Maxine that they are going to take a vacation back 

to  his homelands in the Woods in Indiana.  Maxine just says, "that is fine dear, but, you should have 

checked to see if I had a tea, or any diplomatic duties first."

               Thunder just hoed and hummed as he got dressed.  He then told Maxine, "anything like that 

could be rearranged.  Furthermore you will have tea at the Woods." 

                As they were walking to breakfast Maxine rolled her eyes.  She then addressed Thunder in a

loving fashion and said, "Well dear, I am glad you have it all thought out, but where ever will we stay?

You do have the twins to recall, or were they just staying here at the White House.

               Thunder and his family by this time had made it to the Breakfast Club, and after Thunder 

drinks his Orange Juice he tells her they will be going to an old friend's house in the remote part of the 

woods.   Hoover the Hound clears clears his throat, and says, "Excuse me sir, but I will need her first

and last name so as I can give clearance for your family to stay at her residence."

      Thunder takes a sip of his coffee and told Hoover, "Her name is Anny Freud she is  a wise old fox,

an old family friend, and in the field of psychology."

               Hoover assured the president that she would probably check out , but he had to check 

everyone in the Big Woods that the president and his family might be associated with.  Then Hoover 

said that even after that he would have to send his top agent on the case agent Fox Sculley to make

sure they were safe.    President Thunder assured Hoover he was aware of all this, and then told him the 

most dangerous group he knew down there was the Canadian Goose Mob/Family.

               Hoover told him he was aware of the Canadian Goose Mob and that they were among the

 most wanted mob.  He told him that among other law men officer Long had attempted to shoot them

down.  In the end the Canadian Geese Mob would either put an end to their evil ways or would be shot 


               A couple weeks later the president's family, a news crew, Special Agent Fox Sculley all loaded

 up on Air Force One to go to Indiana.  They landed in a plot of land not far from Annie's.  While there 

Thunder visited W.O. Owl to seek his advice on the politics of the world.  The W.O. Owl was glad he 

asked and replied, "Too many illegal aliens are getting into this world for my taste.  They then 

illegally vote, rape, and murder!  Send them back where they come from!

              Thunder just bowed his head for he knew what Owl said to be true.  If Illegals were not 

allowed in our world the crime rate would go down.  Then again who would that leave the police to 

arrest.  The mentally  insane maybe, the chemically dependent would always be there.  Yet the only way

 to stop war was by allowing illegal aliens in our world.  In the end they would thank us by committing

hideous crimes and filling up our prisons.

              Meanwhile back at Annie's, Maxine and the twins, were dinning on pizza and lemonade.  At

which time Thunder just pulled up a chair and joined them.

Paul D. Eccles


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