
Showing posts from November, 2022


              Over twenty years ago and far away back when I lived in Osawatomie, Kansas, is where this  story takes place.  At the time I was working as a Certified Nurse's Aide, and another aide by the name of Scott offered me a pup.  So, I came over to his house to pick out a pup.  The pups were all black in  color.  They were all half Lab, a quarter Sharpe', and a quarter Wolf.               Scott made sure I saw the grandfather who was a full-blooded Wolf.  An animal that you are  not likely to see in the wild since they are endangered.  Scott told me the farmers would like to kill the wolf, but that would be illegal since they were endangered.  I stood about six feet from the old wolf.               The pup I chose was Scott's and was named White Toe since it had one white toe.  Once I  learned it was Scott's I wa...

Thunder's Thanksgiving

                                         Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the writing of this story.                                    Jimmy (Thunder's Roommate) was leaving for the Thanksgiving holidays to go visit his family in Virginia.  He was leaving his roommate Thunder behind to fend for himself. Thunder did not feel the Holidays was a time for creature to be left alone.  So, he got on the phone calling his friend Bella up, and between the two of them they cooked up a feast.  Thunder cooked the Turkey, Dressing, Corn Casserole, and mashed potatoes.  While Bella baked four different types of  pies, they were Mincemeat, Pecan, Pumpkin, and Cherry.                                ...

Thunder In The Kitchen

                   It was a chilly November day outside as Thunder had just come in from visiting four-year- old Bella.  Thunder shook all over as he said to himself, "I'm going to go to the local market to get  some fixings for Chili on this very night.  I think I'll cook it in my tiny crock pot which is a good  thing to have on these cool autumn evenings."                     So, Thunder drove to the store to get the things he needed.  He drove to the store in his little  red corvette, along with the ingredients he got some grab items that he did not really need for his chili pot pie.  He then took it back to his house and brought the supplies out for his chili pot pie.  He had a  small crock pot so he only had enough room for one can of refried beans, half a pound of hamburger,  and a jar of hot sauce.  He let that cook for th...

Near Death Experience (NDE)

                              It happened many years ago and was a trauma to my entire family.  Anyone who is  old enough to recall that it happened either has it blocked out of their mind or are dead.  Then there  are those who will not except the possibility of my near-death experience (NDE), or anyone else  having one as far as that goes.  All I know is that what I know about it came from when I was in a  coma in a dream like state.                            I also recall a female voice telling me to tell no one of what I had seen in the dream.  At first, I thought the voice was that of my mother's, but I am not so certain anymore.  Who or whatever it  was, it was good advice for few in the church are willing to accept that which revealed to me in a coma  like trance.  It is also h...

Thunder See's A Psychiatrist

                                                Doctor Kroger, a wise old fox, was sitting in her smoking jacket, reading through her next  case.   She sat the folder down, played with hher whiskers, and then called for Thunder to be sent in.   Thunder came bouncing into her office, and took a seat with a hard back on it, all the time wagging his tail.  Doctor Kroger asked Thunder if he knew why he was there to see her.           Thunder just laughed, and said, "That crazy Jimmy Henderson, He is the one who needs to see a psychiatrist, not me.  Jimmy and I go on walks, and he thinks if I pee once that that is enough.  He  does not realize I need to spray every leaf on the ground.  There is a lot of other neat stuff I need to  spray on too."           ...