Thunder's Thanksgiving


                                       Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the writing of this story.

                                   Jimmy (Thunder's Roommate) was leaving for the Thanksgiving holidays

to go visit his family in Virginia.  He was leaving his roommate Thunder behind to fend for himself.

Thunder did not feel the Holidays was a time for creature to be left alone.  So, he got on the phone

calling his friend Bella up, and between the two of them they cooked up a feast.  Thunder cooked

the Turkey, Dressing, Corn Casserole, and mashed potatoes.  While Bella baked four different types of 

pies, they were Mincemeat, Pecan, Pumpkin, and Cherry. 

                                  The two of them then called on the forest animals who might be able to come to

 the feast.   Among the ones they called on was Castle (the Cat), Dr. Kroger (A Fox), the Squirrel 

family, W.O. Owl, and the field mice.  The ants came too, but none invited them.  Then let us not forget 

the Canadian Goose family.

                                All the animals brought something different to the feast.  The feast was of great size

and held in the meadow out in the middle of the forest.  Which gave easy access to all the animals. 

The basic two host to the feast was Bella and Thunder.

                               Other than bringing a salad and a jug of water Doctor Kroger brought a football to 

kick around. He told them that he had heard that football was played on Thanksgiving Day.  Bella's 

reply to this was, "Yes that is correct along with Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  But

who cares it is a human game.  They play it and are often injured by it.  That is why you do not see any 

of us animals playing it, we see the damage it does to the humans."

                                Doctor Kroger noted Bella's hostility over the game, and kicked the football in 

the direction of the Canadian Geese.  The Canadian Geese just brought fried fish to the feast, and set 

down at the table.  They could care less about football, or Bella's warning about the game.   Doctor 

Kroger could see that she had made a mistake by bringing the football.  She just sat back took a bite of 

turkey, and had a drink of water.  She spent the afternoon analyzing the animals that were there, and 

how they interacted with one another.

                             One of the animals had contacted WPAW news in hopes of getting some good news 

on the air.  After all the endless murders of animals being reported was getting wearisome.  Some 

people would blame the murders on the animals when it was truly the act of a human.  No self 

respecting animal would have anything to do with murder.

                                WPAW news showed all the animals getting along at this feast for the day.  The 

journalist from WPAW news brought a bucket of chicken and sat down to the feast.  The news 

journalist asked whose idea this great feast was.  Doctor Kroger told them it was Bella 

and Thunder's.  Bella of course would not take the credit for it, but said, ""I only helped plan it.  The 

real idea came from Thunder for this fantastic feast."  

                               When Thunder was questioned about it by the news caster he just said, "No one 

should be alone for the holidays.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Paul D. Eccles  



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