Thunder See's A Psychiatrist


           Doctor Kroger, a wise old fox, was sitting in her smoking jacket, reading through her next 

case.   She sat the folder down, played with hher whiskers, and then called for Thunder to be sent in.  

Thunder came bouncing into her office, and took a seat with a hard back on it, all the time wagging his

tail.  Doctor Kroger asked Thunder if he knew why he was there to see her.

          Thunder just laughed, and said, "That crazy Jimmy Henderson, He is the one who needs to see

a psychiatrist, not me.  Jimmy and I go on walks, and he thinks if I pee once that that is enough.  He 

does not realize I need to spray every leaf on the ground.  There is a lot of other neat stuff I need to 

spray on too."  

          Doctor Kroger looked over her spectacles and said, " I know you have a 'need' to leave your 

scent on everything, but you really can control yourself."  Doctor Kroger then said, "No, you are 

here due to the fact that you growl and jump up on people.  My job is to curb skills."

           Thunder's reply was, "Well, I just can't let people walk all over our property.  I just have to say,

'hi' or growl to intimidate them.  It is just in my nature.  Now if they would just walk into our house I 

would jump up on them like they were my best friend."  

           Doctor Kroger took a puff from her pipe.  Then she said, "I see, well I'm going to order you 

some medicine to calm you down.  The medicine I'm going to prescribe for you is called Lithium.  It

will calm you down and help you control some of those impulses."

           Thunder just shook his head in shame.  He was ashamed to have to take medicine for what 

came natural to him. He came home, let Jimmy know what Dr. Kroger had said then bit Jimmy on the


          Jimmy gave Thunder a funny look but offered to take him out on a walk.  Thunder was so mad 

that he made a mess on the floor for Jimmy to clean up.  After this Jimmy gave him a Lithium chew to 

calm him down.

           Thunder took the Lithium chewable which tasted like pork.  After taking a Lithium 

chewable went to lay down for a nap.  Once Thunder got up, he was in a better mood.  Thunder 

apologized to Jimmy for biting him on the leg.   The two of them then walked outside and on into

the sunset. 

Paul D Eccles


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