

            Over twenty years ago and far away back when I lived in Osawatomie, Kansas, is where this 

story takes place.  At the time I was working as a Certified Nurse's Aide, and another aide by the name

of Scott offered me a pup.  So, I came over to his house to pick out a pup.  The pups were all black in 

color.  They were all half Lab, a quarter Sharpe', and a quarter Wolf. 

             Scott made sure I saw the grandfather who was a full-blooded Wolf.  An animal that you are 

not likely to see in the wild since they are endangered.  Scott told me the farmers would like to kill the

wolf, but that would be illegal since they were endangered.  I stood about six feet from the old wolf.

              The pup I chose was Scott's and was named White Toe since it had one white toe.  Once I 

learned it was Scott's I was hesitant to take it, but he insisted.  So, I took it and changed its name to 

Marbles.  I was mesmerized by the dog's eyes since one was brown, and the other was blue.  So, I took

the pup to my apartment where the two of us were happy.

              Everyone in the town knew that Marbles was a wolf hybrid, and that wolf hybrids are more

dangerous than a full-blooded wolf.  This caused a fear to go throughout the town, and wherever I 

went Marbles was allowed to go.  This included the Italian Restaurant.  I did not understand it but

 Marbles was not a dog to be turned away.

              One time when my parents came up to visit me I had them sleep on my bed while I slept on 

the couch.  Marbles slept on the floor next to me.  During the middle of the night my mother got out of

bed to go to the bathroom.  At which point the wolf in Marbles came out as he gave a low guttering 

growl, and was up on his haunches.  At which point my mother and I yelled at Marbles to be quiet.

              Marbles laid back down and was quiet, but I doubt he would have listened to my mother had I

not yelled at him.  For the wolf only listens to the Alpha male, and I being the master had taken the

place of the Alpha male.  Marbles had taken time to learn about the town with me.  The two of us was 

bonded as one.  Then that fateful day came when I would have to go to college and leave him behind.

Paul D. Eccles


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