
Michael's Transformation

                    The hardest thing about Michael's life was he was a twelve-year-old, and just beginning  puberty.  He was given a one-year-old dog for his birthday which he thought was cool.  Due to the  female dog's white coat he named her Ivory.  As I said Michael was going through puberty and unusual hard things for him to understand were going on with his body.  Ivory followed Michael everywhere.                   Michael started school at Trump Junior High School.  It was here he met an attractive girl, who went to all his classes, named Ivory.  Even though Michael found it strange for Ivory to be in all of his classes he did not think a lot about it, with other strange things going on in his life.  He just found  himself lucky to have a friend like Ivory in all his classes.                 Michael's dog, Ivory, met him at the front door wagging her tail.  She gave him a sloppy wet  lick on the face. He told her all about the attractive girl he had met at school na

Thunder Recalls When He Was Getting His Start As A Psychotherapist

                                                 As we open this story, we find President Thunder's two twins Thunder Jr. & Lightning   whining due to the fact that their mother had told them to clean their room up.  The twins cried out, " "Let the maids do it that is what they get paid for."                         Maxine growled at the twins to "put their toys away, dirty clothes in the hamper, and if  they had it in their hearts she strongly suggested they make their beds!  After all," Maxine growls, "they should only have to sweep your floors, dust the room, and do the laundry.  Some presidential children  did their own laundry as well!"                        Thunder Junior & Lightning tell their mother their sorry until she leaves the room when  they both give her a raspberry and get dressed.  They then do as Maxine told them and straighten the  room.  After which they go to the Breakfast Club and eat breakfast with their parents.  

Thunder Goes On Vacation

               One morning Thunder wakes up, and tells Maxine that they are going to take a vacation back  to  his homelands in the Woods in Indiana.  Maxine just says, "that is fine dear, but, you should have  checked to see if I had a tea, or any diplomatic duties first."                Thunder just hoed and hummed as he got dressed.  He then told Maxine, "anything like that  could be rearranged.  Furthermore you will have tea at the Woods."                  As they were walking to breakfast Maxine rolled her eyes.  She then addressed Thunder in a loving fashion and said, "Well dear, I am glad you have it all thought out, but where ever will we stay? You do have the twins to recall, or were they just staying here at the White House.                Thunder and his family by this time had made it to the Breakfast Club, and after Thunder  drinks his Orange Juice he tells her they will be going to an old friend's house in the remote part of the  woods.   Hoov

Thunder Gets A Pacemaker

          President Thunder had been having heart problems and went to see the country's top cardiologist. The country's top cardiologist was a Dr. Jackson.  The first thing Dr. Jackson did was give Thunder an EKG to check hi heart out.  Dr. Jackson then told him he would need a pacemaker and referred him to Dr. Nameless.  Thunder was shocked at the whole idea of needing a pacemaker.   At which time his  wife, Maxine said, " Well you are an old dog, and this third term has put a lot of extra stress on you!"           So, a time was chosen for Thunder to be fitted with a pacemaker.  He went into Bethesda Hospital in Maryland, and a Siamese cat by the name of nurse Kitty Kat came into prep Thunder for surgery.   She drew some blood from his paw, and a vein blew.  Nurse Kitty Kat, therefore, went and got Nurse  Jurney (a red squirrel) to do a sonogram to find a good vein to put Thunder to sleep with.         The heart surgeon was a koala bear which was ninety minutes lat

Cyber War

                               In the beginning all was peaceful in This Land.  Meanwhile, in the Other Land war had broken out.  This peaceful land was helping out with the war efforts by throwing billions of dollars at it.  In the evil Land of The Emperor, their Emperor was trying to take over the Other Land. The Emperor even went as far as to threaten any country who tried to help out the Other Land.                              The Land of The Emperor went as far as to show their power by sending a spy balloon over This Land, as well as That Land.  This did not work out for it was just shot down.  Nevertheless, This Land was threatened by Flish Flash a computer software program that put videos in every home. This Land tried to ban Flish Flash by saying it was a threat to the security of the people of this peaceful land.                               The Land of the Emperor threatened This Land with their own by laws, and said,                            "Flish Flash is going n

The Stranger From The Backyard

                     Gather round as I spin you a tale.  The tale I tell is one of truth, and not of fiction. A few years back I was left to watch my parents' house, while they went to go visit my older  sister for a short spell.  Twas during this time that my dog (Rosa), and my parents Australian Shepard (Ebony) caused a great raucous in the back yard.                     I ran outside to see whatever was the matter.  What I saw with my ever-loving eyes was that the two dogs were throwing a puppy no bigger than a man's hand between the two of  them. I being an animal lover, stepped in taking the puppy away from the two of them.  I first of all cleaned it up, then got it a bowl of milk for the "little stranger" to drink.  For Ebony & Rosa  were both dry and would have surely killed it.                     I called Dad for his advice what to do and he said, "Check the neighborhood to see  if someone had lost a newborn puppy.  If they had not, then call Animal

Thunder Gets Re-elected For Third Term

                                 Thunder woke up one morning, and after his ritual morning grooming, put on a tie which had a picture of the United States flag on it.  He then joined the breakfast group with  "The eye of the tiger" look upon his face.  Maxine did not know what he was up to, but she  had seen that look in his eyes before.   She knew the look meant trouble so, she lovingly asked him, what was up?                 So, he ate a bite of his eggs, and took a sip of coffee, and said, "Oh, well, I'm getting  ready to write a bill in congress so that a president, in good health, can run as long as they like. That is of course until they are 99.   Of course, most die before that time anyway.               Maxine just about choked on her Orange Juice at that thought.  After composing herself again, she said, "Well I married you for better or for worst.  This is definitely one of the worst  ideas you have ever had.  You have run two terms honeybuns; don'