Thunder Recalls When He Was Getting His Start As A Psychotherapist
As we open this story, we find President Thunder's two twins Thunder Jr. & Lightning
whining due to the fact that their mother had told them to clean their room up. The twins cried out, "
"Let the maids do it that is what they get paid for."
Maxine growled at the twins to "put their toys away, dirty clothes in the hamper, and if
they had it in their hearts she strongly suggested they make their beds! After all," Maxine growls, "they
should only have to sweep your floors, dust the room, and do the laundry. Some presidential children
did their own laundry as well!"
Thunder Junior & Lightning tell their mother their sorry until she leaves the room when
they both give her a raspberry and get dressed. They then do as Maxine told them and straighten the
room. After which they go to the Breakfast Club and eat breakfast with their parents.
Thunder recognizes Thunder Jr & Lightning's entrance. Thunder says, "Good morning
children why such long faces? Remember you can bring any problem to me."
At which time the first lady coughs, rolls her eyes to the ceiling, and covers her snout
with her cloth napkin. Thunder tells the white house reporter this is off the record.
Thunder Jr says, "Well, um, that is sir..."
Lightning interrupts and says, "Mom made us clean our room!"
Thunder clears his throat & asks Thunder if that's what is bothering him. To which
Thunder JR says it is. Thunder gives a thoughtful look, and says, "well children your mother is trying
to teach you some responsibility."
He then turns to the White House Reporter (who was a cat named Barbra WaWa) and
said, "you can tell this story to the UP or AP or any other P, I may not know of."
He then says, "Once upon a time"
"Oh boy," Lightning says, "Another one of his tales."
To which he receives a slap to the face for being rude. His mother then explains to
him that, "no one speaks when the great Thunder speaks."
So the great and honorable Thunder once again in character says,
"Once Upon a Time when I was a young dog learning from a wise ole fox the art of
psychology I washed windows to have money for books and other neat stuff from The
deal was that I was to become a licensed psychotherapist, and if someone was real crazy I was to send
them to him to be doped up. I understood there would be those who would need medical help that I
could not give them. Being the first psychotherapist in the area that was a dog, got me many clients.
A lot of my clients heard of me because, I use to wash their windows, and so I became rich. The moral
of the story is, don't be afraid of hard work for you never know where it will take you.
Paul D. Eccles
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