The Stranger From The Backyard


                   Gather round as I spin you a tale.  The tale I tell is one of truth, and not of fiction.

A few years back I was left to watch my parents' house, while they went to go visit my older 

sister for a short spell.  Twas during this time that my dog (Rosa), and my parents Australian

Shepard (Ebony) caused a great raucous in the back yard. 

                   I ran outside to see whatever was the matter.  What I saw with my ever-loving eyes

was that the two dogs were throwing a puppy no bigger than a man's hand between the two of 

them. I being an animal lover, stepped in taking the puppy away from the two of them.  I first

of all cleaned it up, then got it a bowl of milk for the "little stranger" to drink.  For Ebony & Rosa 

were both dry and would have surely killed it. 

                   I called Dad for his advice what to do and he said, "Check the neighborhood to see 

if someone had lost a newborn puppy.  If they had not, then call Animal Control."

                  So, I sought for the puppy's owners all afternoon, but I had no luck in finding them.

So, I called Animal Control. and was told it was too late on a Friday for them to do anything about it.

I was told to call back on Monday morning.  I did as I was told only to be told, "If I was able to

keep the puppy over the weekend it was now mine."      

               I had them know on no uncertain terms was the puppy mine if I kept it much longer 

Ebony and Rosa would kill it.  I pleaded with Animal Control to come pick it up.  Animal Control

gave in and did finally come pick it up Monday afternoon.  When they saw it, they blushed and said;

               "So, this is what all the trouble has been about?  He can sit in the front seat."

Paul D. Eccles



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