In The End


                                    Charles went to a funeral in present time.  He saw there a whole cast of 

characters he had not seen in a long time.  He wondered if the church psychologist would be there,

and she was not.  Instead, his friend, daffy, old, retired, psychologist, Doctor Donald Dawk was 

there.  Doctor Dawk talked briefly to Charles.

                                  The funeral, of course, was for the relatives of the Westend's.  Old Mr. West-

end had passed away peacefully in his sleep at 101 years of age.  He left behind many survivors,

which included a wife named Betty.   Mister Westend had served in Germany in World War II.  The

family of course was given military honors. 

                                One character which did so frighten Charles was a character by the name of Cindy

Lou.   Cindy knew all about him and his family, but he knew nothing about her.  She told him her older

sister was Tina Fay, who was the same age as his older sister Cinthia.  She said she was the same age as 

Connnie and he.     When Charles inquired about it he was told Tina had been dead for years, and not to 

be concerned about Cindy.                                   

                                 Yet this concern Charles would take home with him.  For if he knew Cindy at one 

time why could he not place her now?  Her cousin (Charles best friend), Lionel told him to forget her. 

 Tina Fay died of a drug overdose.  As for Cindy Lou the family try's not to claim her. 

                                Charles tried to stomach this but recalled the words of his Pap-Paw.  His Pap-paw

said; "That if he knew that he had a relative anywhere which he did not know he would not leave any

stone unturned until he had found them."

                              Charles then said, "I claim all my relatives, though some may not claim me.  For in

 the end you never know when you are going to need to call on one of them."   



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