After Love What Happened?


               Paul was devastated after the breakup with Katherine.  Even though he would try to play 

around with love, his heart would never belong to another as it had to her.  Paul would miss out on the 

enjoyments of being a mate, as well as being a father.  He would just go on drifting throughout life in


               Katherine stayed at Emporia State University (ESU) seeing Paul everywhere she went.  Even

though she knew that he was not really there she was being mentally tortured by staying at ESU.  She 

stayed in touch with Paul's Mother for over a year checking up on him.  Then she finally transferred to 

Kansas State University (KSU), so as to try to leave the mental torture she had from the love of Paul.

             Katherine stuck to her studies but was never quite happy without Paul.  She would try dating 

now and again, but none was able to do for her, what Paul had been able to do for her.

             Katherine's mother told her, "Forget about Paul, she was to good for him anyway!"

             Katherine just cried out, "I cannot forget some of the last words he said to me.  They were,

'You'll never find someone else just like me' I thought he was wrong, I thought I would find someone

 to replace him, but I was wrong.  I have found no one." 

              Her Mother told her, "Quit being silly Katherine, Paul's right you will never find another 

exactly like Paul, so stop looking!  You found happiness once now look for a man who will give you a

home and a family.  Take my word forget all about Paul, or you'll grow old and lonely." 

             Katherine cried and reached for her Bible for encouragement.  For God had given her 

happiness before, and maybe he would once again.  Perhaps if she went to the KSU Christian Student

Center (CSC), she would find love once again.  On the other hand, by going to the KSUCSC she would

 be looking for a man just like Paul.

               Someone who she could spend most every waking hour with.  Someone to tell her not to worry

about her past, but just worry about the time the two of them had together.  The time they would have 

among themselves as they grew old.

                Katherine, however, could not find any like Paul.  Too many of the men at KSU were lovers 

of themselves, or men pleasers to give Katherine what she was looking for.  Then again, perhaps 

Katherine was looking to hard.  Due to this fact Katherine became an old maid at the library with

children playing at her feet.  The children were not, however, her own. She grew old and lonely with

 books to keep her company.

Paul D. Eccles


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