Dark Sinful Times

          We are living in dark sinful times.  Though if we study history, we will find it is not

really different than the times Christ was living in.  It is just more broadcasted today then

it was yesterday.  Christ came down on this earth to die for the dark times.  As we are told

in Matthew 16:3 "no sign would be given but the sign of Jonah."  We know that the Apostles

expected Christ to return in their time, even so we expect him to return in ours.

          Christ came to die for us; because. troublesome times were soon to be near.  He died

for us due to the dark times as well as to make it light.  For Christ is the Alpha and Omega,

the Beginning and the End, and the First and the Last, as we are told in Revelation 22:13. It

only if we come to Him and ask forgiveness of our sins and are baptized that we can partake 

of the Lord's Supper, and join Him in the end.  



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