I Will Not Forget You


                           Isaiah 49:15 says, ".... Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you."

Strongs says the word forget here means to mislay, to behold, to advise, from want of memory or 

attention not all, forget, cause to forget.

                           Joshua 1:5 says, " I will not leave you nor forsake you"   Strong's says here, "Commit 

self. fail, forsake, fortify, help, leave destitute, leave off, refuse, 

                           In Joshua 2414-28 Joshua gives the Children of Israel the choice over serving God or 

serving false gods.  Even after Even after warning them they say they say they will be true to 

God, but as we know not long after Joshua's death the Children of Israel turn from God and forget Him.

(Judges 2:11-13) Even so God sold them into bondage and forgot them for a while.

                           Even so God turned His back on world when we crucified His Son (Matthew 25:45-

53).   At this time God forgot all of creation.  Then after Christ had arisen (Matthew 28, He tells us in 

Matthew 28:19 "To go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,

 the Son and  the Holy Spirit.  If we fail to talk to our friends and loved ones, about Jesus in the end

 Christ will tell His Father He never knew us.  Won't it be wonderful in the end if Christ says, "Oh yes,

I remember them let them in."

Paul D. Eccles



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