
Showing posts from November, 2023

Dream From Heaven

                                                         I dreamt I died last night                                                       I died and went to heaven                                           So the dream must have been heaven sent.                                                        I saw no clouds to float upon                                                        But all was bright and shinny                                                           For this is God's Kingdom                                                           There was no want or need                                                                      I saw no tears                                                               For all was happy there                                                    They sang praises in worship to God                                                                  For all eternity long.                                                          The angel

Gulf Of Mexico

                                                   When I went down                                                   To Waveland, Mississippi,                                                    I went to the gulf                                                    Here I saw a bridge.                                                   The bridge once connected two cities.                                                   But the bridge was now destroyed.                                                   It was usable no more.                                                   The beach smelled quite putrid                                                    The ocean there was black                                                       If someone had said,                                                That I had seen the end of the world,                                                 I would not have disagreed with that.                                                         For the v

God's Reminders

            One of our greatest reminders is the Bible.  Do we study it at home daily as we should, or do we leave it at church to gather dust.  All of God's reminders are in His Word.  We are told in II Timothy 3:16"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,"              If all scripture is truly given by inspiration, then it is God's reminder.  How are we to be reminded by God when our life is filled up with sports, television programs, or social media.  Sometimes we think we only get those reminders from the preacher/teacher at church, or by a book we may read.  If this is not followed by meditating on His Law Day and Night (Psalms 1:2), then how are we to be reminded by God? What example do we give our children/grandchildren if we fail to study God's Word?             In Ecclesiastes 12:12 it tells us that "much study is wearisome to the flesh."   Howev


  It is that time of year once again... When leaves on trees change colors from Green to                                                                          Red or,                                                                            Golden Yellow or,                                                                                          Brown and,                                   then in some cases decaying black. It is that time of year when the trees, and ground become a quilt that God hath made. When the wind picks up laying down the leaves. What a colorful time of year it is once again. To praise the Lord for the harvest He hath brought. For Autumn is the time of year for the harvest of food. Paul D Eccles                          I

I Will Not Forget You

                             Isaiah 49:15 says, ".... Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you." Strongs says the word forget here means to mislay, to behold, to advise, from want of memory or  attention not all, forget, cause to forget.                            Joshua 1:5 says, " I will not leave you nor forsake you"   Strong's says here, "Commit  self. fail, forsake, fortify, help, leave destitute, leave off, refuse,                             In Joshua 2414-28 Joshua gives the Children of Israel the choice over serving God or  serving false gods.  Even after Even after warning them they say they say they will be true to  God, but as we know not long after Joshua's death the Children of Israel turn from God and forget Him. (Judges 2:11-13) Even so God sold them into bondage and forgot them for a while.                            Even so God turned His back on world when we crucified His Son (Matthew 25:45- 53).   At this time God forgot al