Thunder and The Great Electoral Debate
This is PAW news Correspondent Les Lesser saying, "we have a hot one tonight. I'll be
moderating a electoral debate between President Thunder, and his opposing candidate for the Human
Rights Party, Mr. John Brown. First, we get a word from our candidate John Brown as to why he would
like to be President. "
John brown clears his throat, takes a drink of water, and spoke. "To be quite frank I think only
human beings should be running this world. Look at the mess the senate is in right now. They can't
keep their ducks in a row, among with their lions, tigers, and bears to make a chairman so that they can
pass the important bills. The human race would not have this problem!
The moderator Les Lesser turns to the President and says, your rebuttal sir!
Thunder shrugs, picks his nails, and says, "When you become President you take an oath of
office saying that you will protect the constitution, and one of the amendments to the constitution
make all animals (including the naked ape) equal. Yet my candidate has all but trampled this
amendment to death. 'When he stated animals should not be rulers of the world.'"
The moderator once again takes the mic and asks John Brown what he would do about the
mess in the Senate.
John Brown says, "Well I would start by putting humans into office. I would then give them a
limited time to get down to business."
The moderator then turns to Thunder and asks him the same question.
Thunder says, " His idea about the limited time is good, but his ideas area out of time, and
quite unconstitutional."
The moderator then turns to John Brown asking him how he would go about stopping the
war on Mars.
John Brown then gives the moderator a blank stare and says, "If I don't like the war on
Mars, stay here on earth where it is safe."
The moderator then turned to Thunder asking him the same question.
President Thunder replied, Peace among the planets is part of the Presidents job scared or
not. I appointed Wise Ole Owl as ambassador to Mars. Of course, some felt this was an unwise move
since Smokey the Cat had appointed him ambassador over Venus who is presently is at war with Mars.
The moderator then asks John Brown if he was to write a book what would the title be, and
John Brown thought for a moment that that was a strange question for an election debate,
but said, "The Rights of Human Beings. Basically, because that is what I am, and feel animals are okay
but have their place."
The same question was given to President Thunder, and he said I suspect from Poor House
To Rich House. The reason is Jimmy and I started out in Poverty and made it into wealth. So, I know
what it is like to be poor.
When President Thunder got up the next morning and looked at the Daily Globe. he saw he
had won the debate by a landslide.
Paul D. Eccles
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