A Time To Die


        It was a sunny day out nothing like the morning before.  Yet later as the day went by clouds 

gathered over head.  No rain came out of those clouds it just became dark.  Then as I went on social 

media I got news from our Elder at church that a dear old friend of mine had passed on.

         It was not unexpected for she had been sick for many a year.  As Solomon had said in Ecclesiastes

3:2 "there is a time to be born, and a time to die."  This was our dear friends time to die.  Her husband 

had died a month ago, and perhaps now she saw no reason to go on living as she was.  She just wanted

to go home, and now she was at home with God.

            As I talked with my father about our dear friends death I learned his sister was shutting down.  I

was told that the family was putting her on hospice, to put it plain and simple it was almost time for 

her to die.  I look around me and see people dying and not being born.  I realized then that it was time 

for my loved ones to die, yet with the exception of Katherine (and a few others) I had failed to take 

time to love.

          For love is a game best played by the young, and I am old.  I must ask how long it will be before

it is time that I die?  How long will it be before you die?  Remember to love while you are young, for 

you never know when it is your turn to die.  

Paul D.Eccles


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