Thunder & American History


         One day Jimmy & Thunder drinking coffee next to the fireplace having a chat.  Jimmy at this time

mentions Thunder's library, and the fact that he had a number of books that were American History 

books.  He then asked, "Why, what does American History have to do with you?"

          To that Thunder sat back drank a sip of coffee, cleared his throat, lit his pipe, and said, "While

it is true that not until the SPCA got the bill passed in congress making all animals and humans alike

we were not really that important.  Now of course, we find in American History that Abraham Lincoln

suffered from depression and was given a dog that they named Fido.  People have named their dogs

 Fido ever since.  Fido was a yellow mutt who went all over Springfield, Illinois, with Aberaham 

Lincoln. "

           At that point Jimmy spoke up, and said, "Sounds to me like Fido was a pretty important part in

American History.  Did Fido go to the White House?"

           Thunder sighed as he took a puff from his pipe.  Then Thunder sat back and said, "Sadly enough 

he and the horsehair sofa went to a friend of the Lincoln's there in Springfield, Illinois.  It seam's to me 

that his wife would not allow the mutt to move into the White House.  They did, however, have other 

pets for amusement, goats, a rabbit, and turkeys.

           "Oh, and do not let that concern you George Washington had several dogs.  On the other hand, he

 had a plantation.  He therefore owned slaves, and slavery was one of the darkest spots of our American


          "Of course, Harriet Tubman was credited for being one of the people who started the Civil War.  

Another person credited for starting the Civil War was John Brown of   Osawatomie, Kansas.  Both of 

these people were abolitionist and have their own personal stories.  But Misses Tubman had her 

chickens to free slaves with.  John Brown had his dog, Rev, yet some felt John Brown was crazy,  

Though he had 13 children, out of which only six survived to adulthood." 

          Then Thunder stood up with a cup of coffee in one paw, and his pipe in a ashtray.  He coughed, 

and said, "there is more, but that is enough for now".

Paul D Eccles


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