Thunder Goes To Church


           Thunder was getting into Jimmy's religious studies, and music.    So, one day he asked Jimmy if

he could go to church with him.  Jimmy told him that why he would not mind, there would be others 

who would mind.  Thunder growled at that and stormed off. 

             So Thunder brought the subject of church up with Dr Kroger guessing she would know where

to send him.  Doctor Kroger told him of a place that "some of the other animals go to deep in the woods

and have services, at a place called Church in The Wildwood".

            At which she agreed to take him there Sunday Morning to see if it was to his liking.  Thunder 

thought that this sounded like a good idea, so he agrees to go.  He and Bella talked about going there,

but Bella said she knew where it was and would drive herself.  She also stated that she was certain

that Timothy Church Mouse would be glad to receive them.

           So that Sunday the three of them went to services.  Bella went to services in her blue Volks

Wagon, as Dr. Kroger & Thunder went in Dr. Kroger's red van.  It was a half hour from where 

Thunder lived, but Dr Kroger assured him that it would be worth it.  Thunder just snarled, "it would be 

lot more worth it if the price of gas was cheaper!" 

             Once they got there it was just as Bella had said, and Timothy was glad to receive them.

Castle the Cat was busy ringing the church bell to bring them all in.  At the same time Wise ole Owl

came flying in singing, "Come, Come, Come, to the Church in the Wildwood." 

               The Canadian Geese came flying into their wooden log  pue as they joined in with their 

singing.   Next came the army ants which none really invited as they sand at a high-pitched tone,  

"When The Saints Come Marching In".  After which Ian the Rat read Mark 16, and turned the services 

over to Timothy Church Mouse.  Whom said, "the singing of the woodland creatures was just beautiful 

this morning.   For to God even the worse singer is the best, and the best is the worse. 

                Timothy thanked Ian for the reading and encouraged all creatures great and small.  The 

Church in the Wild Woods is even to be reached out to humans.  It may be true that humans rarely 

reach out to other creatures here at The Church in the Wildwoods we except all creatures great and

small.  To this Kind Ole Owl sang, All Creature Great and Small.

                Towards the end of services Thunder was asked if he had any closing thoughts.  Thunder was

taken off guard as it was his first time being there.  The only thing he could say was, "The first shall be

last, and the last shall be first."    At which time Timothy walked to the back of the building as the race 

car driver Rocky Road the Squirrel led the congregation in the 23rd Psalm (as only the animals could 

sing it).

Paul D. Eccles


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