Thunder On Adoption Day


To The Anderson Family and their new life.

                                   Thunder was checking his e-mail out, and found that he had an invitation from Dr.

Kroger to go to Castle and Miss Kitty's adoption of Electra.  Electra had been in their care for two years

as foster parents.  They were into the final stages of the adoption process.  Thunder felt a little 

uncomfortable about accepting the invitation since it had not come from Castle nor Miss Kitty.  He 

called Dr. Kroger up letting him know that too.  Doctor Kroger just told him everyone was invited too

which made Thunder decided to come.

                                  Ian the rat, Thunder, and Dr Kroger a few days later got into Dr. Kroger's van and 

went two hours up north of where they all lived to go to the adoption as well as other festivities.  Ian 

sat in the back of the van entertaining himself with his tablet while Dr. Kroger & Thunder talked about 

things yet to be.  While they tried to invite Ian into their conversation from time to time, Ian was more 

interested into what was on his tablet.  

                                   Doctor Kroger dropped Ian and Thunder off at the courthouse.  Thunder and Ian

emptied their pockets, as one of the courthouse's piggies told them where they needed to go, as well as

 where the restrooms were.  Thunder excused himself so that he could go to the restroom and relieve 

himself.  He and Ian then took the elevator to the second floor to wait to enter court room number five.

                                   In the meantime, Dr. Kroger came upstairs where the rest of the gang was.  After 

all, other animals were congregating outside courtroom five.  Miss Kitty's father was there and said,

"A big dog might weigh a ton."

                                  Thunder had no idea what he was talking about.  All he knew was that Miss Kitty's

father Mister Soft was a fat, black cat whom everyone seemed to like.  About that time the court room 

doors opened up, and the court emptied, as we filled it up again.

                                     While Thunder and Ian would have been happy to sit in the soft chairs and 

watch the proceedings everyone in the room including them were told to come in front of the judge.

The attorney was a Siamese cat who had been working with the two young cats to get them through 

the adoption process.  The judge was kin to Wise Ole Owl, his name was Kind Old Owl.  The attorney

did his job keeping an emotional time humorous.  The attorney even had everyone sworn in.

                                     They of course took testimony of Castle and Miss Kitty.  They then took 

testimony of Electra's teacher, and case worker.  After which it was time to hear from the honorable

judge Wise Old Owl.  The judge granted Castle and Miss Kitty the right to be Electra's parent's.  He 

said Electra's new last name would be Kat from that day forward.  After which time they had the court 

photographer take a picture of all who were there.

                                     Miss Kitty took a picture of Dr. Kroger, Thunder, Electra, and Ian.  They then 

all left and went home. Once Thunder got home, he watched a little PAW news and then laid down and

went to sleep.

Paul D. Eccles


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