Thunder's Introduction To Popcorn


                    Jimmy had a can of popcorn with pictures of Thunder and his friends pasted all over it.  To

be nice Jimmy gave a few kernels of popcorn to Thunder.  Thunder liked the popcorn, and did not 

know what (if anything) it would do to him, so he sat down and asked Jimmy for some more kernels.  

Jimmy gave Thunder a few more kernels of popcorn, but not too many for he knew that popcorn was a 

whole grain and would cause him to go to the potty. 

                   Later that afternoon Thunder drove over to see Doctor Kroger about this new type of food 

which he had found that he loved so, which came out of a can.  He told Doctor Kroger there was three 

types kept in this can: sweet, buttery, and cheesy.  Thunder furthermore said, "while the buttery and 

cheesy are okay I prefer the sweet white balls." 

                      Doctor Kroger had to laugh at what Thunder had said for it was like listening to a child.

Doctor Kroger then told Thunder that the white balls were called popcorn.  They won't really hurt you

since they are a whole grain, and full of air.  The sweet stuff he loved so much was called caramel corn.

The other two were probably salted with cheese salt or butter salt.  Since it is a whole grain, it will 

make your bowels move.  So be careful not to eat too much popcorn. 

                       Thunder did not really care he liked the way popcorn tasted.  Jimmy had a whole can of 

it too.  So, perhaps Jimmy would be willing to share some more with him.  Thunder had also heard that 

Jimmy had gotten a machine to make this marvelous tasting stuff with.  Thunder was not sure what 

Jimmy would put on the popcorn, but he was sure that it would be as good as the canned.  

                        Thunder thought it over and was certain that the canned popcorn had preservatives or 

something in it.  With Jimmy's machine it would probably be more like home made.  That is Jimmy 

for you making things at home with love cooked in it. 

Paul D. Eccles 


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