The Greatest Power Of All
Somewhere in the future people will have powers beyond those which we have today.
Those powers are simply caused by pollution and were at first controlled by medication. Medication
could not control these powers though but would at times cause death. In some cases, these
medications would even enhance their powers.
People were now running around with the ability to hear other people's thoughts. Yet
other people would be able to move objects with the single thought of their mind. Then there were
those who had their senses enhanced.
There were a few lucky people who were not affected at all, but they were few and far
apart. An old man who was unable to read minds told a person who had the power to see in to the
future, by the name of Chucky, that he wished he could read his mind, but could not due to his age.
Chucky told him that the ability to read minds was more of a curse than a blessing.
" Seeing into the future was a scarry thing to be able to do for you could tell things,
before they happened. Little could be done to change it though. If you did change it something bad
might happen to you. For every good thing that happened, something of equal or opposite action
would happen to you.
"The reason you would not want to read minds is because you might run across
something a person would rather keep to themselves. You could not be in a jury either, because you
would not be a impartial member. If the person being tried was guilty, they would not be able to hide
their guilt from you. As I understand it reading minds is really not a blessing but a curse.
"As for moving objects with your mind that has it's draw backs too. For if you do not
get up to move an object you might get obesity. You might even get diabetes II. So, as you can see
that power too has it's draw backs.
"As for heightened senses that would be okay. Then again, your senses will tell you
things others will not know. This too is a power that pollution has given us which we should of never
In Chuckey's mind the old man was blessed for he had no power. Instead, the old man
had to depend on books and news reels to give him his wisdom. His wisdom was a power of its own.
Many young people who had power of the mind would come to him for knowledge. So even having
no power but wisdom is a power of its own.
Paul D. Eccles
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