Reflecting His Light-John 1:4, 8:12


             According to Strong's it means to shine or make manifest, especially by rays.  According to Thayer it is "extremely delicate, pure, subtle, brilliant quality of light.  Has led to the use of an appellation of God, as by nature incorporeal, spotless, holy..." Even so we are also to be to the world. (Matthew 5:14) 

               We should start letting our light be seen as soon as we are baptized.  We should want to "preach the Gospel to every creature in the world."  (Mark 16:15) For by so doing some of the seed will fall on the good ground and become fertile.  (Matthew 13:8) The Apostle Paul took on this light as soon as he was converted to Christ. (Acts 22:1-21)  

                Some will say it is not possible for an infant in Christ to take on such a role.  While others will say we are not all Apostle Paul's.  To that I say that we should all strive to be like the Apostle Paul, even as he was like Christ.  Then again, "if you have as much faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20) 

               If we say let the light of Christ be seen in us, then we will not just want to study the Bible by ourselves, but with all the world as well.  There would then be so many Bible studies in this area that our elders would have trouble keeping up with them all. 

Paul D. Eccles


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