A Perfect World


                      In the beginning all is right in the world.  Well now, let me correct myself for there has

never been a time in history (since the fall of man) when all was perfect with the world.  For even 

when all seems, perfect there is still pain and diseases.  So, all is not always right in the world.  It never 

has been, and it never will be! 

                     We may say things are all okay in the world of an infant, yet they cry to tell us things are

not okay.  They cry to say they are wet, or messy, or hungry, or in pain.  So, in the beginning the infant 

would tell us things are definitely not alright with the world.  Yet with all its imperfections the world

still turns on its axes. and will until the end of time.

                       Today we have computers, and in the beginning computers looked harmless.  As time 

passed by more things were added to the computer to make them more harmful.  We had to put safe

 guards up to stop viruses and other mighty villans from getting in.  With these safeguards we had a 

perfect computer, but a price had to be paid for all of that perfection.

                       In our lives today we have a way to receive perfection after this life.  The price has 

already been paid by one who died for us all.  This man was Jesus Christ.  It is through His death that 

we have a chance at perfection.  All we have to do is confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of 

God and be buried in water in His name.  It is at that time that we walk a new life and have a chance of 

a perfect life in the hereafter.

Paul D. Eccles



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