Water On Mars


             At N.A.S.A. had pictures that had been returned to them from the land rover on Mars showing

water on the South Pole.  So, they had a discussion over whether they should go to Mars or not.  They 

figured it would take nine months to get there, three months working there, then nine months to get 

back.  For a total of twenty-one months in all.  So that is almost a total of two years. 

            They figured that if once a year had passed if they had heard no bad news had been reported

that they would send a second group to replace them.  If there was life found on the planet they were

 to make friends with them and make it a good will mission.  If the dwellers of Mars did not want to be

 ally's with earth, then the dwellers of earth were to leave immediately.  At which times General Bigfoot

said, "Why not gather some water and minerals from Mars and bring it back.  After all they're not 

using it."

             At which point, Captain Fuzzyfoot said, "We can't rush into the fact that if there is life of some 

sort on Mars that they are not using it.  If there is life on this planet it should be a goodwill mission, 

and one to make them our ally in case of times of trouble.  I will go as far as to say that we should ask 

the president of the United Nations (President Nicet) for a U.N. flag to plant in the name of peaceful

 relations (if unclaimed).

             Admiral Soho agreed with the Captain, but stated, "the water was an important factor (and 

must be tested).  If there was any life found there the flag was to be given to them as a peaceful


            All agreed to this, and they gathered a group of twelve families to go up to Mars.  The ages 

ranged from twelve to forty-eight.  The families were as follows: General Bigfoot and family, 

Captain Fuzzyfoot and family, Admiral Soho and family, Doctor Ding and associates with families,

and others as well.  Each having their own job so that they would not just be spending their time staring

into space.  The children would keep up with their education by doing E-learning.  They did have 

Lieutenant Hardwood to monitor their progress.

           On their off time they would play board games or cards.  All of their needs were thought of 

beforehand.  They were even given training while going to Mars, and what their jobs 

might be.   

            They were even taught how to sew in case they grew while they were in space.  They were 

taught Chemistry and Biology to know what they were looking at on Mars.  The name of their ship was 

the S.S. Explorer.  The heads of the families would make the laws.  If they had trouble making a law 

they would often check with the Bible.

               Once they got to Mars the first one to set foot on Mars, and test the environment (such as the

air) was Admiral Soho (a polished politician).  He said the air was breathable, he was followed by 

General Bigfoot, who gave the go ahead for the rest of the heads of the families to come out.  

                They made twelve camps there as they had chaplain Stone bless the camps.  Then they 

tested the waters finding some bacteria in it, but other than that it was okay to drink.  So, they brought 

the rest of their families out and made the planet so that it would be suitable to live on.  They knew that 

they would only be there for a season, but it would give them something to do in the meantime.  Plus

they had the chance to see how life would grow on their planet. 

                  They had a Lieutenant Commander Robinson who was interested in the weather on Mars.

As they got off of the rocket there seemed to be a fine mist on the planet.  At the same time Lieutenant

Commander Robinson noticed steam coming off the surface of the planet.  He made a note of this, and

mentioned it to Captain Fuzzyfoot.

                   Captain Fuzzyfoot just laughed at him and told him that, "That is how earth was watered 

before the great flood that destroyed the earth.  Who knows if it truly rains on this planet?  It may be 

that mist and steam is what waters this planet.  It is possible that the floodgates were never opened on 


              Doctor Ding and his associates were too busy giving everyone a checkup since they reached 

Mars.  The doctor had not noticed any abnormalities since landing on Mars.  The only thing they 

noticed among the children was some growth.  Doctor Ding also felt that everyone needed some extra 

exercise, but with the work they'd be doing there on Mars they would probably get it.

               They started a fire in the center of the camps the fire was started with refuse they had 

collected from the ship, and a phaser.  The first night they would place guards outside of the ship

, and others were in the ship to sleep.  But they were just at a beginning, and it was time for the second 

group to be there and relieve them.

Paul D. Eccles






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