Where The Wind Blows

              Though we all started out as Bruins in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and we always will be Bruins.

My family has blown apart with the wind.  This happens with most small towns.  Just like it did my 

Dad's family who lived in a small town and moved on to support themselves. 

               As for my family we blew as all the rest of the town blew when Phillips Sixty-Six could no 

longer support the town.  My older sister got married and ended up with four children.  My younger 

sister got married and ended up with two children in the state of Michigan.  My parents moved to 

Virginia so that my oldest sister could take care of them.  My mother has since then passed on, but I 

already wrote on that.

                 As for me I presently live not far from where I began.  Yet six hundred miles from the small 

town of Bartlesville, the small town in Oklahoma, I went to high school in.  But life is not over for me 

yet, and I know not where I will end up.  Yet as the Apostle Paul says, "For I have learned in whatever

state I am in, to be content."

                 Of course, the Apostle Paul was not speaking of physical attributes.  Rather he was speaking 

of mental attributes.  Either way could be true as far as I am concerned for, I have been blown by the 

wind both physically and emotionally.  Yet I may be moving up north again in a few months like

 December or January.

                When you move with the winds as I have most of my life you get used to being uneasy.   

You do as you have all your life and go with the wind.  You know apartments cost more, but if that is 

where the wind blows me that's where I will go.  Wherever God leads me that is where I will go.  That

should be our attitude toward life.

Paul D. Eccles    


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