The Angel of Death


        An average looking man who did not stick out in the crowd was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, with

 plain tennis shoes on his feet was carrying a journal and pen around.  He was on a coffee break, and

went to Joe's to get a cup of coffee and a piece of angel food cake.  On the front of the journal was

written Book of The Dead.  The food and coffee were to recharge his energy.  This man was the Angel 

of Death.

        Every time a person was close to death their name, date of death, and time of death appeared in it.

When the angel was to move to a new location his clothes would often change so he'd fit in to the 

location.  If anyone would ask him about his occupation, he would simply say that he was in the Army 

of God, and not say he specialized in death.  The Army of God started back at the fall of man, and was

unionized during the flood.

          It was his assignment this time to take the proprietor (75-year-old Joe Blow) away from this

 world at 12:45:45. Joe knew that meant he was to die of a heart attack from eating his chilly.  He was 

not to leave this earth a second before that or a second after that.  The angel understood that, and that

the rules were that way, because if it was a second either way it would set the balance of life off.  

Therefore, at 12:45:45 when the paramedics called his time of death, the Angel of Death just told Joe,

"Come on your time on earth is up."   He then took Joe up to the waiting place where all such souls

 must go to.

           The Death Angel then went to the hospital in doctor's gear.  He even had a name tag that read Dr.

Jack Death.  He shrugged his shoulders as he went into a five-year old's room double checking his 

journal to make sure he was in the right place.  Sure, enough it was time for this five-year 

old to stop suffocating and leave this world.  The Angel of Death simply sighed as he said, "I hate 

taking the lives of the young ones."

            He then took the five-year old straight to God.  For a five-year old is innocent not knowing right

from wrong.  They therefore would not be taken to the waiting place, for that is a place of judgement.

What does a five-year-old have to be judged?

            The angel of death then went back to the hospital to gather another soul.  This soul was a older

soul that had lived a full life. Gathering this soul was easier on the Angel of Death.  The person was a

female who died of the Corona Virus at 2:00:01 in the morning.  This was another case where it was a 

relief to the soul to die and leave this world.

               That is how the Angel of Death saw it too and did his job.  He was relieving the people of 

this world of all the pain they had suffered.  If you saw the Angel of Death today, you would not know

it, because they look like the average person like you or me.

             "...some have unwittingly entertained angels." Hebrews 13:2

Paul D. Eccles  



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