Hebrews 3:13
In Hebrews 3:13 it says, "exhort one another daily, while it is called 'today' lest any of you be
hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." The Greek word for which exhort comes from according
to Strong's is parakaleo meaning to call near, invite, beseech, call for, comfort, desire, intreat, pray.
This is one of the things that should happen when we go to church, and usually does. If we follow the
scriptures it should happen daily as well. Central church of Christ in Kokomo was pretty good about
this, of course by going there you would have the chance to meet four times a week.
Most churches are not up to meeting this often. They use the excuse that they do not have
enough time to exhort the brotherhood. They will say the Bible says to do that, but it's somebody
else's job. If someone does not make it to church, we should either check up on them by e--mail, or
good old fashion telephone to see how they are doing. It is my firm belief that the writer of Hebrews
did not write Hebrews 3:13 for just their time, but all time.
For those who miss Sunday morning services due to a job we need to call them to build them
up. This way they do not fall into the snares of the devil. To exhort one another daily is important
thing that we need to be doing. For without that extra boost the devil can win us over.
Paul D. Eccles
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