Gift of God


    God gives each of us at least one gift to use in our lifetime.  If we exercise our gift(s)

it may be multiplied.  If for some reason, however, that gift is not exercised our Spirit may die.

I suppose my gift is in exhorting the brothers/sisters in Christ, whether this be through email, the blog,

or some other means.

        Any other gift I may have had has been left to die.  When you are left on a lonely road you

find more time to do things for Christ.  So, you have more time to build the brotherhood up.  You

spend more time in reading and meditation with God.  When you are passed over to do something in

church it may hurt more, because you feel like it came directly from God.

         There are those who are left alone as it says in the book of Enoch, "God did not prepare for them a

wife."  If God did not prepare a mate for someone, they are more likely expected to worship Him, and

Praise Him.   That is their main gift.  They may know much, and there may be more gifts such as 

teaching.  Their main gift, however, is to praise and worship God.  Even so, to praise and glorify God is

the main purpose of life. 

Paul D. Eccles




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