Arthritic Thunder


      Once upon a time in a land not so far away also known as the land of Other, lived a little old dog by 

the name of Thunder.  Thunder would yell whenever anyone would come on his property.  Then when

you came in his home he would act like you were his long-lost best friend.   Once he knew you then 

you were cool, but before that watch out.  He just had one of those dogenalitys   that said, bite first then 

find out if they are your friend.

        As Thunder aged, he started to wobble on his hip. His doctor said he had a hip displacement 

which was common in Bichon's.  His doctor also told him that hip displacements were more common

in larger breeds like his young friend, Max.  His vet explained to him that a hip displacement is a type 

of arthritis. 

        So, the vet gave Thunder a cane and he wobbled out of the vet's office barking at the other dogs 

warning them that their day was coming.  The other dogs just barked back to have a nice day.  Thunder

just shook his head as if to say, "stupid dogs".

        Thunder got in his little red Corvette and drove down the road to his house.  He got out of his 

little red Corvette and Wobbled over to his home.  In the meantime, he had to bark at some of the 

  neighborhood pups for being on his territory.  He said," Get off of my territory pups, can't you read,

'No Trespassing This Means You!'"  

            Then Thunder went in his house sat on his sofa and watched Dr. Hound on P.A.W. TV.  He 

thought to himself, Dr Hound knows all there is to know.  If he doesn't know it, it's not worth 

knowing. Who cares if he is from Texas and not Indiana?

             It got supper time, so he fixed himself a meal of steak, eggs and hashbrowns which he figured 

was good any time a day.   He tore into it and woofed it down like he was still a pup.  He then lapped 

down a glass of iced tea.  He always remembered to brush his teeth after meals as he was taught as a 

pup by Ma Kettle.

             Then he watched the local news to see what they said the weather was going to do.  Though he

usually knew by his hip if it was about to rain or not.  Yes sir the FOX news team would call for rain,

and sometimes they'd be right and sometimes they'd be wrong.  Thunder on the other hand with his hip

would know 72 hours ahead of time if it was going to rain.

             He would also watch the PAW nightly news to know who was at war with who.  To hear what 

the president's latest crisis was.  Who shot JR and silly things like that.  Then he'd retire for the 

evening, only to get up to watch the Yesterday Show.

Paul D. Eccles  



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