Angels Are Among Us


Angels Are Among Us

             Patrick O'Reilly read the finest books, went to the best schools, and went to the fanciest 

churches.  Yet Patrick still disbelieved in angels.  I'm not saying he disbelieved in God, because he did 

believe in God.  He just did not believe in angels.  Whenever Patrick was asked why he did not believe 

in angels he would just shrug and give the answer, "because I've never seen any".

                 Then one stormy evening Patrick laid down on his bed and had a vision.  He saw in his 

vision a celestial being claiming to be an angel.  Patrick had his doubts since he saw no wings or halo 

on the being.   The angel was quick to point out that angels only had wings and/or halos in stories or 

paintings made by men.

                 The angel further explained that an angel could take on whatever shape humans found 

easiest to perceive them in.  The angel told Patrick that it had appeared to him as a humanoid since 

that was easiest to him to except.   The angel explained that the true purpose of an angel was to serve 

God and worship Him not man.  Furthermore, that is also man's basic purpose as well.  The basic 

difference was man had the choice whereas angles did not have the choice.

                 For if an angel was to decide for a split second not to serve God but to turn from Him they 

would go straight to Hell.  Human beings on the other hand had the choice of turning to the dark side,

and would be forgiven if they but asked.  To be an angel is to be a perfect "Messenger from God".

                 The ideas of angels having sex with human beings is a misunderstanding.  Angels are made 

without sexual parts, and even if angels did have sexual parts they are too busy to have sex.  Angels of 

the dark side are different though for they serve the deeds of the flesh.  Satan provides them with 

sexual parts so that they can seduce men into sin.

                 The angel then told Patrick one other myth of men is that when people die they become 

angles.   The truth is that God makes angels as they are with no beginning or ending, sorry people no

matter how good they are do not become angels.  There are some rare people who live on earth that 

live as angels being A-sexual.  These people usually live to serve God, and are most usually found to 

be writers, professional students, caretakers, and teachers.  

                   After the Angel had said all these things the angel disappeared in the flash of a light.  

Patrick woke up and said, "Angels are among us."  Patrick found that he did finally believe in angels.

Paul D. Eccles




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