The Time Traveler

The Time Traveler

           Tom Peeker was a little down the morning after he had made a deal with Time Travel Magazine.  

He had made a deal most people would be tickled pink with.  Tom was unhappy, since all his life he 

had been writing stories, and now the deal of his life had fallen in his lap at the age of forty.  His 

mother did not help matters any by telling him writers were just lazy people.  This of course upset Tom 

greatly, for it was something he was great at. 

             Tom realized, however, that there were formulas to writing.  Formulas such as descriptions of 

things like towns is a simple rule in writing; but, don't over do it.  When writing about time travel know 

the past, the present, and then unroll the future.  

              It is also a fact that in time travel not to move or kill things in the past.  As Dr. Thomson in

school said, "Anytime one environmental change is moved, you risk damaging the whole environment"

Whatever happens when one travels in time (if time travel ever exists) it could also be dangerous.

             Most time travel done today is done through flashbacks.  Another way would be reminiscing.

Those who think about the past, or find themselves flashing back in moments of time are time 

travelers.  Furthermore, those who pay attention to past events, current events, and forecast the future

are recorders of time.

               Some people find this a very silly and lazy thing to do.  If you think about it though time 

travelers and/or recorders of time has been used throughout time in different jobs.  Some will go as

far as to tell you this is the job of the devil.  For only devil worshipers would travel through time.

                 When you study time (if you record time) don't let people tell you your being lazy.  For in 

writers of time, not only do you study time, but people and cultures as well.   As for a recipe for 

time recorders each will have their own.  There is authors like Chekov, Shakespear, and Twain, but

each will eventually find out what best works for their own.

                  Tom Peeker's recipe is seek the past, pay attention to the present, and have knowledge of

 what will happen in the future.   You will each have your own literary recipe for time.  Or the literary 

recipe for time will find you.  I will leave you now as I go to work for Time Travel Magazine.  

                  At about that time a window in time opened up.   Through this window Tom was picked up,

and sucked through the window which closed behind him.  Tom came out with his clothes burnt off of

him in front of an underground building with a sign on it that read Time Travel Magazine.

                  He was told here that they keep a record of all the time travelers and the recorders of  time.

He was told that his work had been read and seen.  The Peeker work was so well liked that they were 

offering him a job here in his future.  This is not a magazine as you think of it, but a company of time 


                The speaker for the company, Sid Brain, then showed up and said, "In this time period for 

sexual reasons clothing is not permitted.  When you travel in time, however we will clothe you for that 

time period.  If you have any questions just ask."

                 Tom also noticed and wrote down that all the buildings were connected to one another.  He 

also noted that they were all underground.   The lights in the room were done by a computer.

                   Tom was getting tired so he lay his tired body down outside of a time tank building.  After

sleeping there for half a day, he had raised quite a crowed.   Officer Clancey McCloud woke Tom up

telling him, "Sleep is to be deposited in buildings not in the streets.  As it was people were writing

 down his dreams as a way of dream thievery."    Officer McCloud then said, "We can not have any of 

that now can we?"  

                       Tom thought he should get a move on it and get a bite to eat.  Tom went into a time tank 

and saw his friend, Sid's head floating over a computer.  So he asked where he could get a bite to eat

 and take a shower.  At this the hologram of Sid told him that everyone eats when they need it.  As for 

showers they are done publicly as assigned.  

                      Even though Tom had a moral problem with this he would get use to it.  After he had 

researched the reason that the world was the way it was now he found it was due to something he had 

said in the past.  Tom just shook his head and said, "a utopia is not without faults."

                       Sid and Clancy did not understand this thinking.  For if a utopia is perfection, and their 

underground world of Time Travel was built on concepts built on Tom Peeker's hypothesis.  So then

how could such a beautiful world have its faults.  After all Tom Peeker was like a god to their society.

                        Sid told Tom that the time bank was his house since he slept outside it.  He was then told

 that others lived there as well such as Clancy.  The house was used to bank time events, dreams, and 

travel through time and dreams.  As Tom entered the time bank he found a place to relief himself.  The 

problem was this room was full of dreams people had deposited.  Tom's guess was that most of these 

dreams would be recycled or reused.  The others he was not quite sure of.

                           Tom did find it strange that in a utopia of time as unperfect as it was that there was 

coffins.  For he felt he had advanced far enough that coffins would no longer be needed.  For to him 

coffins represent death. He therefore asked Clancey about this perplexity.

                             Clancey laughed this off as he said: "Death, Mr. Peeker is one thing we still have.  

Those coffins as you call them are used to travel through time in.  Those cylinders in the bathroom 

were not dreams but bodies.   Dead bodies, burnt up, and deposited for the after god, Peeker.

                             Tom sat down as Clancey brought a canister to him with the words "Oh great and 

awesome Peeker, bring life back into Sean Penn.  According to his canister he was only four years old 

when he died from a bomb attack."

                              At first thought Tom took this as a joke, but, then he decided he had to do something 

to prove to these people that he was not a deity.  Tom took the canister promising to do his best, but if

 he could do nothing with the canister they must realize that he was just a mortal man.  He was then 

given the canister promising to do his best Tom said, "Rub-a-dub time, rub the canister three times. 

 Rub-a-dub in the tub, call on three rings of Saturn."

                              He then opened the canister up and in a puff of smoke Sean Penn came out in the 

appearance of a puppy.  After that Tom was drained like any deity would be after performing a miracle,

and needed to rest.                                  

                               In a twenty-four hour period they had built a tabernacle to Tom.  Officer Clancy 

gave Tom the book of Time which was authored by Tom Peeker in 3005.  It had updates by prophets 

Clancy McCloud and Sid Brain.  They also posted twenty-four types of dogs one of each breed for 

each hour of the day.  For they said the dog was Tom's spirit animal and that's the reason Sean Penn 

came back to life as a puppy.

                                Tom dosed off to sleep only to wake up in front of his classroom.  The difference

is that he was in the body of a four- year- old with a metallic gown on.  He told his class that one of the 

dangers of time travel is it can change the physical appearance of your body.  As today in 2056 time

travel has yet to be perfected, but perhaps someday in the future it will be,

and we will need to be 


Paul D. Eccles





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