Dark Days

Dark Days

         When the children of today ask for a story all I can do is give them one of woe and pain.  For 

things today are different than they were yesterday when all was good and happy.   For today many are

deceived, and go looking for a lie.  The truth that man can do nothing to stop the destruction of the 

world, but only God himself can stop it.

          Many people laughed at that idea for they did not believe in God.  There are others who in the

name of science claim to be God, or sons of God.  This included the heads of state, as well as the one 

man who had taken over the world, living in Rome, King Rump.

             At least he had brought a type of peace to the world.  Though one still heard of terroristic 

activities.  Some of these reports turned out only to be rumors and others were not,  There were 

earthquakes all over the world.   In fact what used to be Florida was now a island named Sodom.  

California had sunk to the bottom of the ocean and was rumored to return.  The politicians in 

Washington D.C. had became so evil that it's name had been changed to Little Gomorrah.

              King Rump let many people starve to death,  On the other hand he never missed a meal for he 

was fat.  His obesity caused concern among many of his doctors.  If any one of them said anything to 

him about his weight though, he would have them prepared to be his next meal.

             There was many false Bibles that had been written in that time.  All of these were written 

across the world.  Among those was the one written by Ala God.  It was He that was the true God that

I worship.  But, with many false Bibles, and gods out there, many said, Ala God was dead.

               As for myself and others we had moved to the mountains of New Mexico to pray for them to

fall upon us.  From there we also saw that God was good, and worshipped him.  While upon those

 mountains we waited and waited for Christ to return.  Still others would go on their housetops for

to live in it was where sin dwelt.

               Those who were with child cried for they new what might happen to their child in this world.  

The horrors of their children being eaten or used for sex was a real horror in this world.  That, however,

was just a few reasons they cried when they were with children.  The heat on the earth was so bad that 

our clothing had became paper thin.  The lights from the sun moon and stars had grown very dim. 

 While some say this is due to the sun exploding, I say if the sun exploded it was God's will.

                We watched, wrote, and prayed daily.  We watched the actions of human beings daily as we 

walked among them.  We wrote about what we saw, and sometimes had it published in the Little 

Rights, which was a factitious newspaper things were published in with partial truths in it.    The full

truth we kept to ourselves hidden in mason jars in the mountains for generations to read.  We would 

daily pray to God that He would come quickly.

               Then one day all grew bright and the earth melted.  All the Saints that were dead in Christ 

came up first, then the living Saints followed that.  As for King Rump he died at twelve midnight and 

went to be home with his father the devil.

Paul D. Eccles



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