
Showing posts from February, 2025

From Institution To Residential Living

                     Jean Paul was a ten-year-old child who was hit by a car, and placed in a hospital in the   state of Oklahoma.  His parents were given no hope of his ever recovering, no hope of him ever coming out of the hospital.  He would have home visits which would be few and far apart.  Life in the hospital was not a normal one for a child, but Jean Paul did not know what a normal child life was.                  Life for Jean Paul was school (if you call classes in a hospital school)  and therapy.  He had  some supervised playtime with the other patients.   While the staff kept an eye on things, they claimed  that they could not always keep an eye out to stop the dangers.  The truth is the staff just turned a blind  eye while watching the events unfold.                  ...

Thunder Buys The Ol' General Store

                                                                  Thunder hung around at Casey's Ol' General Store as he always did.  Casey was an old goat who needed to sale the store and move on with his life.  So, he offered Thunder Senior the store for a grand $500.000 saying, "After all, Thunder you are here quite a bit of the time.  I might add you build up  business by being here too!  What I'm offering you is really a steal.  Baah!           Thunder just smiled and grabbed his debit card paying Casey $500,001 for the store.  Thunder  drank a root beer as they signed the contract.  (His sons Thunder & Lightening signed as witnesses.) Lightening made a record of all this for the Big Woods Gazett.             Mos...

Isaiah 44:20

 "A deceived heart has turned him aside; and cannot deliver his soul..." Could we not just as easily say,  "A sinning heart has delivered his soul in the depths of hell." The following is a list of sins which Billy Graham feels the Christian has a daily struggle with in which I concur. One is immortality which comes from the Greek word porneia, in which the word pornography comes from. Two is impurity which covers the natural lusts found in Romans 1:24. Three would be sensuality which comes come the greek word for Wantonness or Debauchery.  This  same word is also used in II Peter 2:7. Along with this is Idolatry's, Sorceries, Enmities (  Enmities has to do with hatred), strife. jealousy, outburst of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions or heresies, envying's, drunkenness, carousing's (the  greek word for this is interpreted orgies), From this list we may feel that there is none who are worthy to lead or speak from the pulpit. Let us not forget, howeve...