
Showing posts from February, 2023

Thunder On Adoption Day

  To The Anderson Family and their new life.                                    Thunder was checking his e-mail out, and found that he had an invitation from Dr. Kroger to go to Castle and Miss Kitty's adoption of Electra.  Electra had been in their care for two years as foster parents.  They were into the final stages of the adoption process.  Thunder felt a little  uncomfortable about accepting the invitation since it had not come from Castle nor Miss Kitty.  He  called Dr. Kroger up letting him know that too.  Doctor Kroger just told him everyone was invited too which made Thunder decided to come.                                   Ian the rat, Thunder, and Dr Kroger a few days later got into Dr. Kroger's van and  went two hours up north of where they all lived to go to the adoption as well as other festivities.  Ian  sat in the back of the van entertaining himself with his tablet while Dr. Kroger & Thunder talked about  things yet to be.  While they tried to invite Ian i

Thunder Visit's A Friend At The Rehab

                             Thunder had an old friend by the name of Timothy Lamont, who was a swan that was temporarily living in a Rehabilitation Center.   Thunder had decided to get in his red Explorer with  some friends and drive to this rehab center to sing to him in hopes that their singing would cheer him  up.  For the Swan was in such a funk that they could not pull him out of it.                              To get to see his friend, Thunder would have to drive his friends and he, south of town for about two hours.   Half of the way there they stopped at a restaurant to eat like a racehorse of  course. They all ate and socialized and talked about Thunder's new life.  They also talked about the  pony's new job at the sub shop.  In general, they talked about life.                            They then went on down the road to visit Timothy Lamont.  Once they got there, they  were to take tests to prove that they did not have any of the Covid viruses.  Once this was done,

The Gospel of John

                           As I write this, I have all of my books packed away to move with the exception of the  Bible, so I have no commentaries on hand.  So, what I write I write from my own memory of what I  have been taught on the Gospel of John.  As I have stated beforehand, we do not really know what  order the Gospels were written in.                       The Gospel of John itself was either written as a personal letter, as Luke and Acts were  (Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1).  Yet the question in that case would be who was John writing to since we know that Luke was writing to Theophilus in the book of Luke and Acts.  If this be the case, it would it would explain why it had emphasis on the Word (being Christ taught in love).                      This brings me to the second theory that being that the Gospel of John was written in love to new converts.  Even so I, II, & III John were written to the churches in love.  This also might bring  us to the question of when we go after new c