
Showing posts from December, 2023

Winter Time

                                                                          Winter Time                                                                          Winter Time                                                                  Winter time is here                                                                  All nature is dead                                                      With a sheet of white on the ground.                                                                                                            The temperatures are below zero.                                                                   Ice is on the pond                                                              The ground is all frozen.                                                               Where ever you may go.                                                              For Winter time is here!                                                                       Time of cold!    

Keeping Your Commitments

   A commitment is something we verbally make.  An example of this is the vow we make to one another when we get married (I Corinthians 7:10-11) not to leave one another until death departs us.   This example was given to me by my parents, Earl & Sue Eccles who was married for 56 years on her passing due to Cancer.  They stayed true to their commitment to one another until the end.                Another commitment most of us in the church make is to Christ.  Through this commitment  which we do make to Christ, even so we become One Body through His baptism in which we all walk  in unity of Christ's calling (Ephesians 4:1-6).  This walk we make after making a promise to Christ our  Savior.  At which time we put on His body, to make our likeness anew.               The idea of committing oneself to Christ is really not a new one.  It goes back to Acts 2:38-39  when the church began, and Peter cried out, "repent in the name of Jesus Christ and be baptized..."  We then f

Lake Of Fire

                                                    Last night I saw a lake of fire                                                 With people of all ages falling in.                                                           The fire got higher                                                   With each sinner added in.                                                                                                                          Soon it was dark                                                              With lack of light                                                   They wore no clothes only shame.                                                    Some were so said Christians                                                      All said it was a mistake                                                 None thought they should be there                                                      Some thought it was a joke.                                               Then the